Aminet 1 (Walnut Creek)
Aminet - June 1993 [Walnut Creek].iso
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Path: xanth!nic.MR.NET!hal!cwjcc!mailrus!ulowell!page
From: page@swan.ulowell.edu (Bob Page)
Newsgroups: comp.sources.amiga
Subject: v02i034: lucas - little ugly cheap accelerator system, Part05/05
Message-ID: <9915@swan.ulowell.edu>
Date: 28 Oct 88 21:41:41 GMT
Organization: University of Lowell, Computer Science Dept.
Lines: 1080
Approved: page@swan.ulowell.edu
Submitted-by: anakin@utcs.toronto.edu (Brad Fowles)
Posting-number: Volume 2, Issue 34
Archive-name: hardware/lucas.5
# This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file"
# (Files unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions).
# This archive contains the following files:
# 020-881.draw2
# Building
# Component_List
if `test ! -s 020-881.draw2`
echo "writing 020-881.draw2"
cat > 020-881.draw2 << '\Rogue\Monster\'
3 56 15.5967 19.5137 16.1717 19.6512 3 0 0 0 0 15.5967 19.4637 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "*BGACK"
3 56 15.5789 20.2449 16.0539 20.3824 3 0 0 0 0 15.5789 20.1949 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "*AS20"
3 56 15.5789 19.9824 16.0539 20.1199 3 0 0 0 0 15.5789 19.9324 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "*DS20"
3 56 14.9539 20.8824 15.1164 21.0199 3 0 0 0 0 14.9539 20.8324 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "F1"
3 56 14.9539 20.3824 15.1289 20.5199 3 0 0 0 0 14.9539 20.3324 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "C4"
3 56 14.9539 20.6199 15.1289 20.7574 3 0 0 0 0 14.9539 20.5699 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "G2"
3 56 14.9539 20.1699 15.1164 20.3074 3 0 0 0 0 14.9539 20.1199 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "L1"
3 56 14.9539 19.9074 15.1164 20.0449 3 0 0 0 0 14.9539 19.8574 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "M1"
3 56 14.9539 19.6449 15.1289 19.7824 3 0 0 0 0 14.9539 19.5949 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "B2"
3 56 15.5789 19.7574 16.0539 19.8949 3 0 0 0 0 15.5789 19.7074 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "*BG20"
3 56 14.9539 19.3699 15.1164 19.5074 3 0 0 0 0 14.9539 19.3199 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "A1"
1 36 10.7664 20.9574 10.7664 21.3949 3 0 0 0 0
1 10.7664 21.3949
1 10.7664 20.9574
1 10.7664 21.0199
5 60 17.0164 21.3949 17.2664 22.3324 3 0 0 0 0 "resistor"17.3914 21.3949 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 17.7039 21.3949 17.9539 22.3324 3 0 0 0 0 "resistor"18.0789 21.3949 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 17.0164 22.2699 17.2742 22.6957 3 0 0 0 0 "5vuparrow]"17.5789 22.0824 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 17.6414 22.2699 17.8992 22.6957 3 0 0 0 0 "5vuparrow]"18.2039 22.0824 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
1 36 17.1414 20.2074 17.1414 21.3949 3 0 0 0 0
1 17.1414 21.3949
1 17.1414 20.2074
1 36 17.8289 19.9574 17.8289 21.4574 3 0 0 0 0
1 17.8289 21.4574
1 17.8289 19.9574
5 60 17.0530 20.1190 17.2297 20.2958 3 0 0 0 0 "6DOT"17.5789 20.0199 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 17.7405 19.8690 17.9172 20.0458 3 0 0 0 0 "6DOT"18.2664 19.7699 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
3 56 16.2664 22.0074 16.6414 22.1449 3 0 0 0 0 16.2664 21.9574 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "4.7K"
3 56 18.3289 22.0074 18.7039 22.1449 3 0 0 0 0 18.3289 21.9574 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "4.7K"
3 56 11.4539 18.6324 12.1288 18.7699 3 0 0 0 0 11.4539 18.5824 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "*DSACK0"
3 56 11.4539 18.2449 12.1163 18.3824 3 0 0 0 0 11.4539 18.1949 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "*DSACK1"
1 36 9.39136 18.1449 9.70386 18.2699 3 0 3 0 1
1 9.39136 18.2699
1 9.70386 18.1449
1 9.39136 18.1449
1 9.39136 18.2699
1 36 9.39136 18.5199 9.70386 18.6449 3 0 3 0 1
1 9.39136 18.6449
1 9.39136 18.5199
1 9.70386 18.5199
1 9.39136 18.6449
3 56 12.4539 18.4449 12.6289 18.5824 3 0 0 0 0 12.4539 18.3949 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "H3"
3 56 12.4539 18.0574 12.6164 18.1949 3 0 0 0 0 12.4539 18.0074 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "J1"
3 56 5.07886 22.3199 6.31634 22.4574 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 22.2699 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "68020 VCC AT:"
3 56 5.07886 22.0449 7.55382 22.1949 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 22.0074 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "A9,D1,D2,E3,G11,G13,M8,N8"
3 56 5.07886 21.4699 6.31634 21.6074 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 21.4199 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "68020 GND AT:"
3 56 5.07886 21.1949 7.65382 21.3449 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 21.1574 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "A10,B9,G12,H13,J3,K1,L7,N7"
3 56 5.07886 20.6824 6.31634 20.8199 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 20.6324 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "68881 VCC AT:"
3 56 5.07886 20.4074 6.15384 20.5574 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 20.3699 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "B8,E2,E9,H8"
3 56 5.07886 19.9574 6.31634 20.0949 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 19.9074 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "68881 GND AT:"
3 56 5.07886 19.6824 6.55384 19.8324 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 19.6449 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "B7,C1,C3,E10,J8"
1 36 15.3289 6.70738 19.3289 9.45738 3 0 0 0 0
1 15.3289 9.45738
1 18.0789 9.45738
1 18.0789 6.70738
1 15.3289 6.70738
1 19.3289 6.70738
5 60 19.3289 6.64488 19.7039 6.76988 3 0 0 0 0 "ARROW"19.8914 6.58238 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
3 56 15.5789 6.75738 15.8539 6.89488 3 0 0 0 0 15.5789 6.70738 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "CLK"
3 56 19.8414 6.68238 20.1039 6.81988 3 0 0 0 0 19.8289 6.63238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "16M"
3 56 14.9539 6.60738 15.1289 6.74488 3 0 0 0 0 14.9539 6.55738 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "C2"
5 60 17.9905 6.61900 18.1672 6.79577 3 0 0 0 0 "6DOT"18.5164 6.51988 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
1 36 15.3289 4.70738 16.7664 4.95738 3 0 0 0 0
1 15.3289 4.70738
1 16.7664 4.70738
1 16.7664 4.95738
5 60 16.6414 4.95738 16.8914 5.89488 3 0 0 0 0 "resistor"17.0164 4.95738 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 16.6414 5.89488 16.8992 6.32066 3 0 0 0 0 "5vuparrow]"17.2039 5.70738 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
1 36 15.3289 4.20738 17.6414 5.08238 3 0 0 0 0
1 15.3289 4.20738
1 17.6414 4.20738
1 17.6414 5.08238
5 60 17.5164 4.95738 17.7664 5.89488 3 0 0 0 0 "resistor"17.8914 4.95738 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 17.5164 5.89488 17.7742 6.32066 3 0 0 0 0 "5vuparrow]"18.0789 5.70738 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
3 56 16.0789 5.69488 16.4539 5.83238 3 0 0 0 0 16.0789 5.64488 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "4.7K"
3 56 18.0164 5.75738 18.3914 5.89488 3 0 0 0 0 18.0164 5.70738 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "4.7K"
3 56 15.7039 4.80738 16.0789 4.94488 3 0 0 0 0 15.7039 4.75738 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "SIZ0"
3 56 15.7664 4.29488 15.9414 4.43238 3 0 0 0 0 15.7664 4.24488 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "A0"
3 56 15.0164 4.65738 15.1789 4.79488 3 0 0 0 0 15.0164 4.60738 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "F1"
3 56 15.0164 4.14488 15.1914 4.28239 3 0 0 0 0 15.0164 4.09488 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "H3"
3 56 19.8289 10.9324 20.4039 11.0824 3 0 0 0 0 19.8289 10.8949 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U11,12"
3 56 13.5164 16.5199 13.8914 17.2074 3 0 0 0 0 13.5164 16.2699 0.500000 1.00000 0.00000 "6"
3 56 13.5164 15.5199 13.8914 16.2074 3 0 0 0 0 13.5164 15.2699 0.500000 1.00000 0.00000 "8"
3 56 13.5164 14.5199 13.8914 15.2074 3 0 0 0 0 13.5164 14.2699 0.500000 1.00000 0.00000 "0"
3 56 13.5164 13.5199 13.8914 14.2074 3 0 0 0 0 13.5164 13.2699 0.500000 1.00000 0.00000 "2"
3 56 13.5164 12.5199 13.8914 13.2074 3 0 0 0 0 13.5164 12.2699 0.500000 1.00000 0.00000 "0"
3 56 13.6789 6.43238 14.0539 7.11988 3 0 0 0 0 13.6789 6.18238 0.500000 1.00000 0.00000 "6"
3 56 13.6789 5.23238 14.0539 5.91988 3 0 0 0 0 13.6789 4.98238 0.500000 1.00000 0.00000 "8"
3 56 13.6789 4.23238 14.0539 4.91988 3 0 0 0 0 13.6789 3.98238 0.500000 1.00000 0.00000 "8"
3 56 13.6789 3.13238 14.0539 3.81988 3 0 0 0 0 13.6789 2.88238 0.500000 1.00000 0.00000 "8"
3 56 13.7039 2.03238 13.9539 2.71988 3 0 0 0 0 13.6414 1.78238 0.500000 1.00000 0.00000 "1"
1 36 15.3289 2.83238 19.3289 2.83238 3 0 0 0 0
1 19.3289 2.83238
1 15.3289 2.83238
1 36 15.3289 2.51988 19.3289 2.51988 3 0 0 0 0
1 19.3289 2.51988
1 15.3289 2.51988
1 36 15.3289 2.20738 19.3289 2.20738 3 0 0 0 0
1 19.3289 2.20738
1 15.3289 2.20738
1 36 15.3289 1.89488 19.3289 1.89488 3 0 0 0 0
1 19.3289 1.89488
1 15.3289 1.89488
1 36 15.3289 1.58238 19.3289 1.58238 3 0 0 0 0
1 19.3289 1.58238
1 15.3289 1.58238
5 60 19.3289 1.51988 19.7039 1.64488 3 0 0 0 0 "ARROW"19.8914 1.45738 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 19.3289 1.83238 19.7039 1.95738 3 0 0 0 0 "ARROW"19.8914 1.76988 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 19.3289 2.14488 19.7039 2.26988 3 0 0 0 0 "ARROW"19.8914 2.08238 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 19.3289 2.76988 19.7039 2.89488 3 0 0 0 0 "RARROW"20.0164 2.64488 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 19.3289 2.45738 19.7039 2.58238 3 0 0 0 0 "RARROW"20.0164 2.33238 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
1 36 18.1414 2.83238 18.1414 3.33238 3 0 0 0 0
1 18.1414 3.33238
1 18.1414 2.83238
1 36 18.7039 2.51988 18.7039 3.26988 3 0 0 0 0
1 18.7039 3.26988
1 18.7039 2.51988
5 60 18.0164 3.33238 18.2664 4.26988 3 0 0 0 0 "resistor"18.3914 3.33238 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 18.5789 3.33238 18.8289 4.26988 3 0 0 0 0 "resistor"18.9539 3.33238 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
1 36 18.7039 3.14488 18.7039 3.39488 3 0 0 0 0
1 18.7039 3.14488
1 18.7039 3.39488
5 60 18.0164 4.26988 18.2742 4.69566 3 0 0 0 0 "5vuparrow]"18.5789 4.08238 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 18.5789 4.26988 18.8367 4.69566 3 0 0 0 0 "5vuparrow]"19.1414 4.08238 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 18.0530 2.74400 18.2297 2.92077 3 0 0 0 0 "6DOT"18.5789 2.64488 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 18.6155 2.43150 18.7922 2.60827 3 0 0 0 0 "6DOT"19.1414 2.33238 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
3 56 15.7039 2.63238 16.5663 2.76988 3 0 0 0 0 15.7039 2.58238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "*CPDSACK1"
3 56 15.7039 2.93238 16.5788 3.06988 3 0 0 0 0 15.7039 2.88238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "*CPDSACK0"
3 56 15.7039 2.29488 16.1789 2.43238 3 0 0 0 0 15.7039 2.24488 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "*DS20"
3 56 15.7039 1.96988 16.1789 2.10738 3 0 0 0 0 15.7039 1.91988 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "*AS20"
3 56 15.7039 1.70738 16.1789 1.84488 3 0 0 0 0 15.7039 1.65738 0.0999985 0.200000 0.00000 "*CPCS"
3 56 19.8914 2.11988 20.3539 2.26988 3 0 0 0 0 19.8914 2.08238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U2,M1"
3 56 19.8914 1.79488 20.3539 1.94488 3 0 0 0 0 19.8914 1.75738 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U2,L1"
3 56 19.8914 1.46988 20.3664 1.61988 3 0 0 0 0 19.8914 1.43238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U4,18"
3 56 19.8914 2.45738 20.3664 2.60738 3 0 0 0 0 19.8914 2.41988 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U7,15"
3 56 19.8914 2.75738 20.3664 2.90738 3 0 0 0 0 19.8914 2.71988 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U7,18"
3 56 15.0789 2.13238 15.2414 2.26988 3 0 0 0 0 15.0789 2.08238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "G1"
3 56 15.0789 1.80738 15.2414 1.94488 3 0 0 0 0 15.0789 1.75738 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "H1"
3 56 15.0789 1.48238 15.2539 1.61988 3 0 0 0 0 15.0789 1.43238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "J3"
3 56 15.0789 2.78238 15.2539 2.91988 3 0 0 0 0 15.0789 2.73238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "J4"
3 56 15.0789 2.45738 15.2539 2.59488 3 0 0 0 0 15.0789 2.40738 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "K4"
3 56 17.3914 3.88238 17.7664 4.01988 3 0 0 0 0 17.3914 3.83238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "4.7K"
3 56 19.1414 3.88238 19.5164 4.01988 3 0 0 0 0 19.1414 3.83238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "4.7K"
1 36 17.3289 7.20738 18.8914 7.45738 3 0 0 0 0
1 18.8914 7.45738
1 18.8914 7.20738
1 17.3289 7.20738
5 60 18.7664 7.45738 19.0164 8.39488 3 0 0 0 0 "resistor"19.1414 7.45738 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 18.7664 8.39488 19.0242 8.82066 3 0 0 0 0 "5vuparrow]"19.3289 8.20738 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
3 56 19.2039 8.06988 19.5789 8.20738 3 0 0 0 0 19.2039 8.01988 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "4.7K"
5 60 17.2405 7.11900 17.4172 7.29577 3 0 0 0 0 "6DOT"17.7664 7.01988 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
3 56 14.9539 7.63238 15.1164 7.76988 3 0 0 0 0 14.9539 7.58238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "J1"
3 56 14.9539 9.38238 15.1289 9.51988 3 0 0 0 0 14.9539 9.33238 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "C2"
3 56 19.8414 10.6324 20.0039 10.7699 3 0 0 0 0 19.8289 10.5824 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "18"
3 56 14.9539 18.3824 15.1164 18.5199 3 0 0 0 0 14.9539 18.3324 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "E1"
3 56 19.7664 20.8074 20.1414 20.9574 3 0 0 0 0 19.7664 20.7699 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U7,4"
3 56 19.7664 20.5449 20.1414 20.6949 3 0 0 0 0 19.7664 20.5074 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U7,5"
3 56 19.7664 20.2824 20.1414 20.4324 3 0 0 0 0 19.7664 20.2449 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U7,3"
3 56 19.7664 20.0824 20.2414 20.2324 3 0 0 0 0 19.7664 20.0449 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U10,3"
3 56 20.4539 20.0699 20.9289 20.2199 3 0 0 0 0 20.4539 20.0324 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U5,18"
3 56 19.7664 19.8074 20.3414 19.9574 3 0 0 0 0 19.7664 19.7699 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U10,13"
3 56 19.7664 19.5449 20.1414 19.6949 3 0 0 0 0 19.7664 19.5074 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U5,9"
3 56 20.3914 19.2824 20.7664 19.4324 3 0 0 0 0 20.3914 19.2449 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U5,8"
3 56 20.3289 19.0449 20.9038 19.2199 3 0 0 0 0 20.3289 19.0324 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "Jumper"
3 56 19.7664 19.3074 20.2414 19.4574 3 0 0 0 0 19.7664 19.2699 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U1,12"
3 56 19.7664 19.0449 20.1414 19.1949 3 0 0 0 0 19.7664 19.0074 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U4,2"
3 56 1.14136 22.2574 2.81637 22.3949 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 22.2074 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "NO CONNECTS 68020"
3 56 1.14136 22.0074 3.11637 22.1449 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 21.9574 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "A31 A3 *RMC E2"
3 56 1.14136 21.8074 3.21637 21.9449 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 21.7574 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "A30 B4 *OCS E13"
3 56 1.14136 21.6074 3.41637 21.7449 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 21.5574 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "A29 C5 *IPEND F13"
3 56 1.14136 21.4074 3.10387 21.5449 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 21.3574 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "A28 A4 *ECS G1"
3 56 1.14136 21.2074 3.21637 21.3449 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 21.1574 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "A27 B5 *DBEN G3"
3 56 1.14136 21.0074 1.81636 21.1449 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 20.9574 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "A26 A5"
3 56 1.14136 20.8074 1.81636 20.9449 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 20.7574 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "A25 C6"
3 56 1.14136 20.6074 1.81636 20.7449 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 20.5574 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "A24 B6"
3 56 1.14136 20.2074 2.80387 20.3449 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 20.1574 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "NO CONNECTS 68881"
3 56 1.14136 19.8074 2.11636 19.9449 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 19.7574 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "*SENSE B4"
3 56 1.14136 19.5949 2.10386 19.7449 3 0 0 0 0 1.14136 19.5574 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "N/C E1"
3 56 5.07886 21.8074 5.65385 21.9574 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 21.7699 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "D3,N13"
3 56 5.07886 20.9324 6.64133 21.0824 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 20.8949 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "B1,C3,F12,K3,L11"
3 56 5.07886 20.1824 5.91635 20.3324 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 20.1449 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "A1,B1,J2,"
3 56 5.07886 19.4324 7.45382 19.5824 3 0 0 0 0 5.07886 19.3949 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "A2,H9,A10,B1,B3,D2,F2,K3"
1 36 1.32886 18.8324 7.64136 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0
1 7.64136 18.8324
1 1.32886 18.8324
1 36 1.32886 17.9574 7.64136 17.9574 3 0 0 0 0
1 7.64136 17.9574
1 1.32886 17.9574
5 60 1.51636 17.9574 1.76636 18.8324 0 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"1.89136 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 1.95386 17.9574 2.20386 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"2.32886 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 2.39136 17.9574 2.64136 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"2.76636 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 2.82886 17.9574 3.07886 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"3.20386 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 3.20386 17.9574 3.45386 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"3.57886 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 3.57886 17.9574 3.82886 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"3.95386 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 4.01636 17.9574 4.26636 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"4.39136 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 4.39136 17.9574 4.64136 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"4.76636 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 4.76636 17.9574 5.01636 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"5.14136 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 5.20386 17.9574 5.45386 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"5.57886 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 5.57886 17.9574 5.82886 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"5.95386 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 5.95386 17.9574 6.20386 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"6.32886 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 6.39136 17.9574 6.64136 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"6.76636 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 6.76636 17.9574 7.01636 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"7.14136 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 7.07886 17.9574 7.32886 18.8324 3 0 0 0 0 "CAPACITOR"7.45386 17.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 0.953855 18.7699 1.32886 18.8949 3 0 0 0 0 "RARROW"1.64136 18.6449 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 0.953855 17.8949 1.32886 18.0199 3 0 0 0 0 "RARROW"1.64136 17.7699 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
3 56 0.328859 18.7449 0.803860 18.8949 3 0 0 0 0 0.328859 18.7074 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "U1,13"
3 56 0.328859 17.8574 0.803860 18.0074 3 0 0 0 0 0.328859 17.8199 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "U1,16"
5 60 7.64136 18.7699 8.01636 18.8949 3 0 0 0 0 "ARROW"8.20386 18.7074 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
5 60 7.64136 17.8949 8.01636 18.0199 3 0 0 0 0 "ARROW"8.20386 17.8324 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
3 56 8.20386 18.7449 8.67885 18.8949 3 0 0 0 0 8.20386 18.7074 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U1,49"
3 56 8.20386 17.8574 8.67885 18.0074 3 0 0 0 0 8.20386 17.8199 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U1,53"
3 56 8.76636 18.4699 9.24135 18.6199 3 0 0 0 0 8.76636 18.4324 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U7,12"
3 56 8.76636 18.0824 9.24135 18.2324 3 0 0 0 0 8.76636 18.0449 0.0999985 0.200001 0.00000 "U7,14"
1 36 9.70386 18.5199 12.3289 18.5199 3 0 0 0 0
1 12.3289 18.5199
1 9.70386 18.5199
1 36 9.70386 18.1449 12.3289 18.1449 3 0 0 0 0
1 12.3289 18.1449
1 9.70386 18.1449
1 36 2.70386 18.8324 2.70386 19.1449 3 0 0 0 0
1 2.70386 19.1449
1 2.70386 18.8324
1 36 2.70386 17.7699 2.70386 17.9574 3 0 0 0 0
1 2.70386 17.7699
1 2.70386 17.9574
5 60 2.57886 19.1449 2.83667 19.5707 3 0 0 0 0 "5vuparrow]"3.14136 18.9574 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0
1 36 2.51636 17.7699 2.89136 17.7699 3 0 0 0 0
1 2.89136 17.7699
1 2.51636 17.7699
1 36 2.45386 17.6449 2.51636 17.7699 3 0 0 0 0
1 2.45386 17.6449
1 2.51636 17.7699
1 36 2.64136 17.6449 2.70386 17.7699 3 0 0 0 0
1 2.64136 17.6449
1 2.70386 17.7699
1 36 2.82886 17.6449 2.89136 17.7699 3 0 0 0 0
1 2.82886 17.6449
1 2.89136 17.7699
1 36 0.120805 0.00000 35.8188 23.1222 3 0 0 0 0
1 0.120805 23.1222
1 0.120805 0.00000
1 35.8188 0.00000
1 35.8188 23.1222
1 0.120805 23.1222
3 56 3.87500 17.3125 8.21875 17.4844 3 0 0 0 0 3.87500 17.2500 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "ALL THESE CAPS ARE .1mf. monolithic"
3 56 1.50000 18.9375 1.71875 19.1094 3 0 0 0 0 1.50000 18.8750 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C2"
3 56 2.00000 17.6875 2.21875 17.8594 3 0 0 0 0 2.00000 17.6250 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C3"
3 56 2.37500 18.9375 2.59375 19.1094 3 0 0 0 0 2.37500 18.8750 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C4"
3 56 2.87500 18.9375 3.09375 19.1094 3 0 0 0 0 2.87500 18.8750 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C5"
3 56 3.25000 18.9375 3.46875 19.1094 3 0 0 0 0 3.25000 18.8750 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C6"
3 56 3.62500 17.6875 3.84375 17.8594 3 0 0 0 0 3.62500 17.6250 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C7"
3 56 4.00000 17.6875 4.21875 17.8594 3 0 0 0 0 4.00000 17.6250 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C9"
3 56 4.37500 18.9375 4.71875 19.1094 3 0 0 0 0 4.37500 18.8750 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C12"
3 56 4.75000 17.6875 5.09375 17.8594 3 0 0 0 0 4.75000 17.6250 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C13"
3 56 5.12500 18.9375 5.46875 19.1094 3 0 0 0 0 5.12500 18.8750 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C14"
3 56 5.50000 17.6875 5.84375 17.8594 3 0 0 0 0 5.50000 17.6250 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C15"
3 56 5.87500 18.9375 6.21875 19.1094 3 0 0 0 0 5.87500 18.8750 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C16"
3 56 6.37500 17.6875 6.71875 17.8594 3 0 0 0 0 6.37500 17.6250 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C18"
3 56 6.75000 18.9375 7.09375 19.1094 3 0 0 0 0 6.75000 18.8750 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C23"
3 56 7.12500 17.6875 7.46875 17.8594 3 0 0 0 0 7.12500 17.6250 0.125000 0.250000 0.00000 "C24"
3 56 9.75000 21.2875 10.5250 21.4375 3 0 0 0 0 9.75000 21.2500 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "SIP1, P4"
3 56 11.5000 21.3375 12.2750 21.4875 3 0 0 0 0 11.5000 21.3000 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "SIP1, P5"
3 56 16.2500 21.2875 17.0250 21.4375 3 0 0 0 0 16.2500 21.2500 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "SIP2, P3"
3 56 18.0000 21.3375 18.7750 21.4875 3 0 0 0 0 18.0000 21.3000 0.100000 0.200001 0.00000 "SIP2, P4"
3 56 19.0000 7.28750 19.7750 7.43750 3 0 0 0 0 19.0000 7.25000 0.100000 0.200000 0.00000 "SIP1, P6"
3 56 15.7500 5.03750 16.5250 5.18750 3 0 0 0 0 15.7500 5.00000 0.100000 0.200000 0.00000 "SIP1, P2"
3 56 18.0000 5.08750 18.7750 5.23750 3 0 0 0 0 18.0000 5.05000 0.100000 0.200000 0.00000 "SIP1, P3"
3 56 17.0000 3.53750 17.7750 3.68750 3 0 0 0 0 17.0000 3.50000 0.100000 0.200000 0.00000 "SIP1, P7"
3 56 19.0000 3.33750 19.7750 3.48750 3 0 0 0 0 19.0000 3.30000 0.100000 0.200000 0.00000 "SIP1, P8"
3 56 27.0000 3.35000 34.5250 4.31250 3 0 0 3 0 27.0000 3.00000 0.700001 1.40000 0.00000 "LUCAS BOARD"
3 56 27.0000 2.10000 34.4375 3.06250 3 0 0 1 0 27.0000 1.75000 0.700001 1.40000 0.00000 "68020-68881"
3 56 30.2875 1.53750 30.9625 2.06250 3 0 0 0 0 30.2500 1.50000 0.299999 0.600000 0.00000 "by:"
3 56 29.2500 1.05000 32.4750 1.46250 3 0 0 0 0 29.2500 0.900000 0.299999 0.600000 0.00000 "Brad Fowles"
1 36 26.7500 0.750000 34.7500 4.50000 3 0 0 1 0
1 26.7500 4.50000
1 34.7500 4.50000
1 34.7500 0.750000
1 26.7500 0.750000
1 26.7500 4.50000
1 36 26.5000 0.500000 35.0000 4.75000 3 0 0 1 0
1 26.5000 4.75000
1 35.0000 4.75000
1 35.0000 0.500000
1 26.5000 0.500000
1 26.5000 4.75000
echo "will not over write 020-881.draw2"
if [ `wc -c 020-881.draw2 | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 20513 ]
echo `wc -c 020-881.draw2 | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 20513}'`
if `test ! -s Building`
echo "writing Building"
cat > Building << '\Rogue\Monster\'
Notes about Parts
I strongly suggest that you socket all the parts on the board. Since
the 020 and the 881 make up most of the price for the board, its a
good idea not to skimp on the sockets especially the 020, 881, xtal
and dual pin header. Gold Augat machine sockets are great. The Amiga
1000 is a very noisy machine, good quality sockets will help reduce
the noise.
You must buy at least 16 meg. 020 & 881 to guarantee proper
performance. I have tested the lucas board at 16 Meg. and it works
well, however some of the people who have built the board are running
just fine at 20 Meg. using 16 Meg. parts. We have tried installing 25
Meg. parts and have had some limited success, but as of this time I've
done little testing. If you have the parts please try it, and let me
know how it goes. Although these higher speeds are possible the board
was designed for operation at 16 Meg. so be adventureous at your own
risk and expence.
If you didn't buy the pals from me make sure you use -B2 pals. I have
used both National and MMI and they work fine. The pal equations in
the pals directory will complile with CUPL. If you are having any
problems let me know and I will modem you the JEDEC files. One of the
things I would like to try and haven't yet for operation above 16 Meg.
is using -D2 parts for the pals.
The four discrete TTL parts, with the exception of U9 must be F parts.
(More about U9 later)
The Caps should be of the type specified. You could use tants for the
.47 parts if you cannot find them in monolithic.
It is important to use the 330 ohm and 220 ohm resistors as specified.
They are standard for TTL clock termination.
The 30 ohm resistors are used to help control the over and under shoot
on the control lines *UDS, *LDS, R/*W, and *AS.
The 16 Meg clock oscillator should be inserted into a gold socket.
When you buy your parts you may want to pick up a 20 meg. xtal. Half
the people so far are getting away with it even though they are using
16 Meg. 020's and 881's.
The part you will need for U9 varies from one Amiga to another. Buy
one each of 7474, 74LS74, 74S74, and 74ALS74 (they're cheap). I will
explain later how to determine which one of these you should use and
If you haven't soldered up a board before, find someone who has. It is
a simple job bit requires some degree of manual dexterity and a good
fine tip iron. Everyone has their own method. I start with the
sockets, then do the caps and resistors and then the two connectors.
If everything is on hand you can do an excellent job in about an hour.
This is an important stage, don't rush it.
Dual Pin Header
Unless your in the BIZ the connector which connects the Lucas board to
the 68000 socket can be a bitch to find. However it is pretty easy to
make one up yourself from readily available parts. The easiest method
is to buy two 64 pin 68000-like sockets (again gold is best) and
connect them together with 64 bits of wire. The cutoffs from
capacitors and resistors are ideal. The distance between the two
sockets should be about 0.6 inches. Basically you want to raise the
Lucas board to the same height as the daughter board. I suggest you
cut four bits of wire, attach them to the four corners of the socket
and see if the board is of the correct height. Once this is done you
can cut 60 more bits of wire and install them between the sockets.
Test the height again, if its OK I suggest you solder in the four
corner posts (wires) then solder the assembly to the bottom (solder
side) of the LUCAS board. DO NOT use .025 sqaure posts this will
permanently destroy your 68000 socket.
When you put in the tant capacitors make sure you observe the correct
polarity. Positive always goes to the square pad. Note C19 has no
square hole, the positive side of the cap goes to the terminal closest
half inch hole in the board. If you still confused get out an ohm
meter an make sure the plus side of the Tants is connected to the 5
volt rail (pin 20 of U4).
Installation is quite straight forward, rip out the 68000 and replace
it with the Lucas Board. Q.E.D.
To elaborate, remove the plastic cover and the EMI shield. 5 screws
for the plastic cover, 14 for the EMI shield. Gently and with
reverence, pry the 68000 out of its socket. I use a small bent
screwdriver. Now push the 64 pin header on the bottom of the Lucas
board into the 68000 socket. Do this carefully to insure that each pin
goes in properly and that you didn't bend any.
Things to be careful about.
The ribbon cable from the disk drive can be a pain. Make sure it is
lying as flat as possible, and that the bend in the cable takes up as
little space as possible. Make sure the board is the same height as
the daughter board. If it is too low the Lucas board will not clear
the cable and header for the disk drive. This is also important if you
want to add some 32-bit wide memory to the LUCAS memory port (96 Pin
DIN connector) as this board must be high enough to clear the metal
oscillator can in the middle back of the Amiga motherboard. Once you
have installed the Lucas board we are ready for check out. When it
gets working you can replace the plastic cover. The EMI shield will
have to have a small section cut out of the back, if you wish to
replace it too. So far no one has done this. Be careful, don't force
anything, and don't PANIC !
In all the years I've been hacking around with hardware stuff, I have
only discovered two golden rules for hardware design. Inside every
device is some magic smoke which makes the device function. As long as
you don't let this magic smoke out everything will work fine, however
in all the cases where I have inadvertanly let this magic smoke
escape, the device ceased to function. Please remember the following
two rules: 1) Don't let the magic smoke out. 2) Don't let rule one
scare you.
Okay, were going to turn the Amiga on now, if it doesn't work first
time don't panic. No one so far has blown an 020 or a 881, and no one
so far has done any damage to their Amiga. The only damage that has
been done so far is someone used .025 square posts to mate the LUCAS
board to the AMIGA. This damaged the socket. Once he replaced the
socket and replaced those tree trucks with the proper pins his board
worked just fine.
If you are really paranoid, use an ohm meter to make sure that there
is no short between the 5 volt rail and ground. You should get about
270 ohms.
At this time we are going to put a 74ALS74 in the socket for U9.
So, turn on the Amiga, and watch the power light on the front of the
machine. It should flash five or so times and then stay on. This is
the basic test, if it doesn't do this it will never do anything. If
you haven't done so already check to make sure all the chips are in
the correctly oriented ( Pin #1 in the top left corner as the board is
NOT HAVE THE SAME ORIENTATION AS THE 020. Also make sure that all the
pins are correctly seated. If you still have problems see below
or the article as to how to get hold of me.
Now back to the 99% of you who have had no problem so far. The next
indication that everything is OK is you will hear the Amiga's little
boot song. Don't let the fact that the song is slower disturb you. The
cashe hasn't been enabled yet and alot of useless fetches are going
on. Next you should see the Kickstart screen. We are now about 70%
sure everything is going OK.
Insert the KickStart disk and away we go again. The hardest test that
the Lucas board has to pass is putting up the Workbench screen. Just
prior to doing this, interrupts are enabled, the 020 cashe is enabled,
the 68881 is talked to to see if its there, and the autoconfig stuff
happens. If you get to the workbench screen your probably not going to
have any futher problems. So insert the Workbench of your choice. Try
running the bench marks to see if you are operating at the same level.
Run the Mandfast program in the Mandelbrot directory this will verify
that the 68881 is working properly. Next connect your peripherals and
insure that they work as well.
Something your going to have to do is tune your particular AMIGA to
the LUCAS board. This is done with U9. That is why I asked you to buy
several different types of 7474. If your operation isn't what it
should be try different types of 7474 in the U9 socket. The first to
try is a 74LS74. My buddy Eric Haberfellner is convinced that a Texas
Instruments 74LS74 works with all configurations he has run into. I
contend that the LUCAS board insists on having one piece of
unexplained magic. I've tried to fix it but it seems what works for
one AMIGA doesn't work for another. The important thing is that so far
no one who has bought a LUCAS Board has been unable to get it going.
Just play around and have faith. I really do know how the rest of
board works and once you get the right chip it is solid as a rock.
Historical Note:
I got in to this U9 mess when I did the board layout. PCAD allows you
to switch identical gates or sections of a chip in order to improve
the layout. When I gave the command that it was OK to switch gates I
forgot that I had 2 74F74 and one 74LS74 on the board and PCAD wasn't
going to complain so it switched an F part for an LS part and now we
all have to go through this nonsense. I think it sounds better though
to say you have to tune your AMIGA to the LUCAS board. It does show
how critical the timing for DSACK is, read the article if you want to
bored to death about DSACK.
Seriously it isn't a big problem.
So far, 20 meg. seems to be the limit. I've had it working at 25 meg.
but it was a little flakey. I'm trying -D2 PALS and the inevitable U9
tricks. I'll post it if I'm successful.
We have found that 12 meg. parts work just fine at 20 meg. The reason
for this, I think, is that when used in an AMIGA, none of the more
exotic 020 modes are used. I designed the board for operation at 16
meg. and you should use 16 meg parts, but if you want a cheapest
possible way to get a LUCAS board going try 12 meg. parts, with a 12
meg. xtal. If it works you can try xtals all the way up to 20 meg. I
can't tell you definately it will work but no one so far with 12 meg.
parts has found any problem operating at 20. "Ya play de game, Ya
takes yer chances"
I am currently designing a 32-bit wide memory board using 100ns 1 meg
DRAM's. Unless your doing alot of floating point stuff, the Lucas
board won't give you miracles. If your LUCAS board is running at 20
Meg. (this is the configuration I know best) than you can expect a 35%
- 40% speed increase across the board. The whole point of putting the
020 in your Amiga is to one, give you a 32 bit wide upgrade path, and
two, the 256 byte instruction cashe sure helps. If you connect 32 bit
wide memory to the LUCAS board you will get about 200% speed increase.
Ofcourse floating point stuff, if it uses the 68881 will indeed appear
If anyone also wants to have a go at a memory board the expansion
connector is documented in the drawings and in the PCAD documents. If
you have access to fast SRAM an SRAM board with no wait states would
sure fly.
Once I get a good memory board layout I'll make the bare board
available as cheaply as I can, but don't let that stop anyone from
doing one also.
The LUCAS Board is works with most of the Peripherals I've tried.
Comspec Memory Board, Comspec Hard Disk, Microbotics Memory Board,
EASYL, and Supra Hard Drive. The only peripheral that has failed is
the Allegra 512K memory board. I can't guaratee anything beyond this
at this time. I will however post compatible and incompatible hardware
and software as reports come in.
So far LUCAS is very compatible with the software we've tried. The
only software that seems to fail are those games which use heavy copy
protection, like Carrier Command. Jet will work if you turn the cache
off with SetCPU. DeciGel will allow those programs which do move SR's
to behave. If you find programs which don't work please let me know
and I will post them for those who are still considering getting a
LUCAS board.
By the way FA-18 is gorgeous with the LUCAS board installed.
I welcome any information or bugs which you can provide.
A500 and A2000 OPERATION:
For the 500 there is good news and bad news. The good news is the
LUCAS board works in the A500. The bad news is that you will never get
the case back on. No one so far has tried it in a 2000 but I'd bet the
same is true. I have no plans to do a board for the 500 or the 2000. I
will gladly give anyone the PCAD files so they can layout the board to
a different form factor.
I built the board for the 1000 because I have a 1000 and I still like
it best (No 1 meg chip ram eh!) and because I'd like to save the 1000
from becoming a door stop.
I've spent considerable time debugging the board to make it work. Here
are some of the problems I have run into and perhaps they might help.
Please remember that the whole purpose of making this board PD was so
that the Amiga community at large can help those with problems, but
more importantly, with a full disclosure of the design we can benefit
from all those hackers out there who will make improvements to the
board. Already we have boards that work at 20 Meg. and 25 isn't far
off. I will post on USENET and BIX all the traffic good and bad that I
feel should be generally known. I will also post the bugs, software
that doesn't work, peripherals which don't work, etc.
If you insert the Kickstart disk and it runs for a couple of seconds
then pops the kickstart screen back at you, and you are sure that this
is a valid kickstart disk, try changing U9 from an ALS part to a LS
part, or a 7474 part. this should solve this timing problem. This is a
generic fix for all problems, changing the type of 74 for U9 will make
some peripherals which don't work, work like a charm. It is a quick
test so try it if you getting strange behaviour.
If Kickstart is taken in OK but it gets to the point that it is about
to pop the workbench screen then goes bonkers try changing U9 again.
If this doesn't help you might have a gounding problem.
Gounding problems.
We have found that the Amiga 1000 has a very noisy ground plane. Some
Amiga's will only take one peripheral, two and they cough.
Dominic at COMSPEC came up with a grounding mod that I now do as a
matter of course to all Amiga's I open up. The problem he solved is
that there is a slight voltage differential between the Amiga daughter
board and the expansion connector ground planes. To remedy this
connect a piece of wire between the four pals ground pins on the
daughter board and the ground which surrounds the expansion connector.
These pals are J6, K6, L6, and N6 at the far end of the daughter
board. The ground pin is pin 10 which is the pin at the upper left of
the pal as you look at it with the Amiga facing you. Bus these four
ground pins together then run a wire to the gound which surrounds
expansion connector (Use an ohmmeter to be sure). Scrape away a small
section of the solder mask which covers the ground and solder the pal
ground wire there. This can make your Amiga much more robust with 3
and 4 peripherals attached. There is also a place on the LUCAS board
to attach a secondary ground wire. If you look at the board there is a
dedication which says "Special Thanks to Dr. Brain Gaines and ANAKIN".
Look right on top of the N in ANAKIN and you will see a small GND
marked. Solder a wire through this hole on the bottom of the baord
(scrap solder mask first) and attach it to the same place as the pal
ground wire.
It is always a good idea to if your having problems to check the
seating of all the chips, especially the seating of the 64 pin socket
which mates the LUCAS Board to the AMIGA 68000 socket. It is also a
good idea to check that none of the disrete chips or pals have a pin
bent underneath them instead of into the socket.
If you still are having problems E-Mail me on BIX or USENET (see the
article) and I'll try to help.
echo "will not over write Building"
if [ `wc -c Building | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 16277 ]
echo `wc -c Building | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 16277}'`
if `test ! -s Component_List`
echo "writing Component_List"
cat > Component_List << '\Rogue\Monster\'
% *
% Program : PC-FORM VERSION 3.00 *
% Date : Jul 18 1988 *
% Time : 02:24:58 PM *
% File In : AM20AW27.PNL *
% File Out : AM20AW27.CMP *
% *
AM20AW27( )
68020P:U2 ( 1 =BGACK', 2 =DGND,
3 =RESET', 4 =VCC,
5 =FC0, 6 =SIZE0,
7 =, 8 =UN000013,
9 =DSACK1', 10 =DGND,
11 =AS20', 12 =DS20',
13 =D31, 14 =D28,
15 =D25, 16 =D22,
17 =D20, 18 =D17,
19 =DGND, 20 =VCC,
21 =D14, 22 =D12,
23 =D9, 24 =D8,
25 =VCC, 26 =D4,
27 =D2, 28 =D0,
29 =IPL1', 30 =DGND,
31 =VCC, 32 =,
33 =, 34 =A3,
35 =A5, 36 =A6,
37 =A8, 38 =A11,
39 =A14, 40 =DGND,
41 =VCC, 42 =A19,
43 =A22, 44 =A23,
45 =, 46 =,
47 =, 48 =A1,
49 =BG20', 50 =16M,
51 =VCC, 52 =,
53 =FC220, 54 =SIZE1,
55 =AVEC', 56 =BERR',
57 =HALT', 58 =R/W20,
59 =D29, 60 =D26,
61 =D24, 62 =D21,
63 =D18, 64 =D16,
65 =VCC, 66 =D13,
67 =D10, 68 =D6,
69 =D5, 70 =D3,
71 =D1, 72 =IPL0',
73 =IPL2', 74 =DGND,
75 =DGND, 76 =A2,
77 =A4, 78 =A7,
79 =A10, 80 =A13,
81 =A15, 82 =DGND,
83 =A18, 84 =A20,
85 =, 86 =,
87 =, 88 =BR',
89 =, 90 =VCC,
91 =VCC, 92 =FC1,
93 =DBEN', 94 =DSACK0',
95 =DGND, 96 =DGND,
97 =D30, 98 =D27,
99 =D23, 100 =D19,
101 =DGND, 102 =D15,
103 =D11, 104 =D7,
105 =DGND, 106 =VCC,
107 =A9, 108 =A12,
109 =A16, 110 =A17,
111 =A21, 112 =,
113 =, 114 =A0 )
[ FIXED =1 ]
68000:U1 ( 1 =D20, 2 =D19,
3 =D18, 4 =D17,
5 =D16, 6 =UN000021,
7 =UN000022, 8 =UN000023,
9 =UN001020, 10 =DTACK',
11 =BG00', 12 =BGACK',
13 =BR', 14 =VCC,
15 =7M, 16 =DGND,
17 =HALT', 18 =RESET',
19 =VMA', 20 =E,
21 =VPA', 22 =BERR',
23 =IPL2', 24 =IPL1',
25 =IPL0', 26 =FC200,
27 =FC1, 28 =FC0,
29 =A1, 30 =A2,
31 =A3, 32 =A4,
33 =A5, 34 =A6,
35 =A7, 36 =A8,
37 =A9, 38 =A10,
39 =A11, 40 =A12,
41 =A13, 42 =A14,
43 =A15, 44 =A16,
45 =A17, 46 =A18,
47 =A19, 48 =A20,
49 =VCC, 50 =A21,
51 =A22, 52 =A23,
53 =DGND, 54 =D31,
55 =D30, 56 =D29,
57 =D28, 58 =D27,
59 =D26, 60 =D25,
61 =D24, 62 =D23,
63 =D22, 64 =D21 )
68881P:U3 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =VCC,
3 =DGND, 4 =RESET',
5 =, 6 =UN001004,
7 =DS20', 8 =AS20',
9 =A3, 10 =A1,
11 =R/W20, 12 =DGND,
13 =CPDSAK1', 14 =D30,
15 =D29, 16 =D27,
17 =D26, 18 =D24,
19 =D22, 20 =D21,
21 =D19, 22 =D18,
23 =D16, 24 =DGND,
25 =D15, 26 =D14,
27 =D11, 28 =DGND,
29 =D8, 30 =D7,
31 =D6, 32 =D4,
33 =D3, 34 =D1,
35 =D0, 36 =DGND,
37 =DGND, 38 =16M,
39 =DGND, 40 =VCC,
41 =DGND, 42 =A4,
43 =A2, 44 =VCC,
45 =CPCS', 46 =CPDSAK0',
47 =D31, 48 =D28,
49 =D25, 50 =DGND,
51 =D23, 52 =DGND,
53 =D20, 54 =D17,
55 =VCC, 56 =D12,
57 =D13, 58 =D10,
59 =VCC, 60 =DGND,
61 =D5, 62 =D2,
63 =, 64 =DGND,
65 =DGND, 66 =UN000025,
67 =VCC, 68 =D9 )
[ FIXED =1 ]
10SPC4P7:SIP1 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =UN001004,
3 =UN000025, 4 =AVEC',
5 =UN000013, 6 =RESET',
7 =CPDSAK0', 8 =CPDSAK1',
9 =SRDSAK1', 10 =SRDSAK0' )
[ FP =10SIP ]
10SPC4P7:SIP2 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =,
3 =AS20', 4 =DS20',
5 =, 6 =,
7 =, 8 =,
9 =, 10 = )
[ FP =10SIP ]
RC07:R2 ( 1 =R/W00, 2 =UN001020 )
[ FP =RC07 ]
RC07:R1 ( 1 =DGND, 2 =16M )
[ FP =RC07 ]
RC07:R3 ( 1 =16M, 2 =VCC )
[ FP =RC07 ]
RC07:R4 ( 1 =AS00BUF', 2 =UN000021 )
[ FP =RC07 ]
RC07:R5 ( 1 =UDS', 2 =UN000022 )
[ FP =RC07 ]
RC07:R6 ( 1 =LDS', 2 =UN000023 )
[ FP =RC07 ]
96DINRM:DIN ( A1 =A0, B1 =VCC,
C1 =A1, A2 =A2,
B2 =VCC, C2 =A3,
A3 =A4, B3 =VCC,
C3 =A5, A4 =A6,
B4 =VCC, C4 =A7,
A5 =A8, B5 =VCC,
C5 =A9, A6 =A10,
B6 =VCC, C6 =A11,
A7 =A12, B7 =VCC,
C7 =A13, A8 =A14,
B8 =16M, C8 =A15,
A9 =A16, B9 =VCC,
C9 =A17, A10 =A18,
B10 =SIZE0, C10 =A19,
A11 =A20, B11 =VCC,
C11 =A21, A12 =A22,
B12 =, C12 =A23,
A13 =SIZE1, B13 =VCC,
C13 =, A14 =,
B14 =AS20', C14 =,
A15 =VCC, B15 =VCC,
C15 =, A16 =,
B16 =DS20', C16 =,
A17 =D0, B17 =DGND,
C17 =D1, A18 =D2,
B18 =R/W20, C18 =D3,
A19 =D4, B19 =DGND,
C19 =D5, A20 =D6,
B20 =DBEN', C20 =D7,
A21 =D8, B21 =DGND,
C21 =D9, A22 =D10,
B22 =SRDSAK0', C22 =D11,
A23 =D12, B23 =DGND,
C23 =D13, A24 =D14,
B24 =SRDSAK1', C24 =D15,
A25 =D16, B25 =DGND,
C25 =D17, A26 =D18,
B26 =DGND, C26 =D19,
A27 =D20, B27 =DGND,
C27 =D21, A28 =D22,
B28 =DGND, C28 =D23,
A29 =D24, B29 =DGND,
C29 =D25, A30 =D26,
B30 =DGND, C30 =D27,
A31 =D28, B31 =DGND,
C31 =D29, A32 =D30,
B32 =DGND, C32 =D31 )
PAL16R4B:U4 ( 1 =7M', 2 =FC220,
3 =FC1, 4 =FC0,
5 =A19, 6 =A18,
7 =A17, 8 =A16,
9 =VPA', 10 =DGND,
11 =DGND, 12 =Z3',
13 =FC2, 14 =UN002004,
15 =UN000003, 16 =UN000002,
17 =UN000001, 18 =CPCS',
19 =E, 20 =VCC )
[ FP =DIP20 ]
PAL16R4B:U5 ( 1 =7M, 2 =VPA',
3 =AS20DLY', 4 =UN000001,
5 =UN000002, 6 =UN000003,
7 =UN002004, 8 =BGACK',
9 =BG20', 10 =DGND,
11 =DGND, 12 =AS00',
13 =HIGHZ, 14 =,
15 =, 16 =,
17 =VMA', 18 =AS20',
19 =BG00', 20 =VCC )
[ FP =DIP20 ]
PAL16R4B:U6 ( 1 =16M, 2 =AS20DLY',
3 =Z3', 4 =VMA',
5 =7M, 6 =DS20DLY',
7 =7ME2, 8 =DTACK',
9 =QUAL', 10 =DGND,
11 =DGND, 12 =,
13 =, 14 =,
15 =QUAL', 16 =,
17 =, 18 =DTTRIG',
19 =, 20 =VCC )
[ FP =DIP20 ]
74F74:U8 ( 1 =UN002012, 2 =UN002012,
3 =7M, 4 =VCC,
5 =, 6 =DS20DLY',
7 =DGND, 8 =AS20DLY',
9 =, 10 =VCC,
11 =7M, 12 =UN002011,
13 =UN002011, 14 =VCC )
74F74:U9 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =UN002020,
3 =16M, 4 =VCC,
5 =SYSDACK1, 6 =,
7 =DGND, 8 =7ME2,
9 =, 10 =VCC,
11 =7M, 12 =7ME2,
13 =VCC, 14 =VCC )
74F74:U11 ( 1 =AS00, 2 =AS00,
3 =UN002018, 4 =VCC,
5 =, 6 =UN002020,
7 =DGND, 8 =,
9 =R/W00, 10 =VCC,
11 =7M, 12 =R/W20,
13 =VCC, 14 =VCC )
74F04:U10 ( 1 =7M, 2 =7M',
3 =DS20', 4 =UN002012,
5 =AS20', 6 =UN002011,
7 =DGND, 8 =,
9 =, 10 =AS00,
11 =AS00', 12 =UN002018,
13 =DTTRIG', 14 =VCC )
OSC:OSC ( 1 =, 2 =,
3 =, 4 =,
5 =, 6 =A4,
7 =DGND, 8 =16M,
9 =, 10 =,
11 =D15, 12 =,
13 =, 14 =VCC )
[ FIXED =0 ]
PAL16L8:U7 ( 1 =HIGHZ, 2 =DS20DLY',
3 =A0, 4 =SIZE0,
5 =SIZE1, 6 =AS20DLY',
7 =CPCS', 8 =CPDSAK0',
9 =SRDSAK0', 10 =DGND,
11 =SYSDACK1, 12 =DSACK0',
13 =SRDSAK1', 14 =DSACK1',
15 =CPDSAK1', 16 =AS00BUF',
17 =AS00', 18 =LDS',
19 =UDS', 20 =VCC )
[ FP =DIP20 ]
2STRIP:J2 ( 1 =FC200, 2 =AVEC' )
[ FP =2STRIP ]
2STRIP:J1 ( 1 =FC220, 2 =FC2 )
[ FP =2STRIP ]
CK06:C19 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C7 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C24 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C28 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C31 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C15 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C29 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C5 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C6 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C32 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C25 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C30 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C4 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C13 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C14 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C12 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C16 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C2 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C1 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C27 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C26 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C23 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C3 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C33 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CAP0P3:C18 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CK06:C22 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CK06:C20 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CK06:C21 ( 1 =VCC, 2 =DGND )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CK06:C17 ( 1 =DGND, 2 =VCC )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CK06:C11 ( 1 =DGND, 2 =VCC )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CK06:C9 ( 1 =DGND, 2 =VCC )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CK06:C8 ( 1 =DGND, 2 =VCC )
[ FP =CK06 ]
CK06:C10 ( 1 =DGND, 2 =VCC )
[ FP =CK06 ]
echo "will not over write Component_List"
if [ `wc -c Component_List | awk '{printf $1}'` -ne 20180 ]
echo `wc -c Component_List | awk '{print "Got " $1 ", Expected " 20180}'`
echo "Finished archive 5 of 5"
# if you want to concatenate archives, remove anything after this line
Bob Page, U of Lowell CS Dept. page@swan.ulowell.edu ulowell!page
Have five nice days.